Lemon sorbet

It’s been a while since we’ve made that one, but never too late to write a post!

After the more-than-disappointing lemon ice-cream we made in Carbisdale Castle during our Hebridean trip (the lemon juice curdled the milk, and we ended up with a gross yoghurt-flavoured ice cream… and yet our roommate shouted “It’s the best ice cream I’ve ever had”, in his sleep, in the middle of the night, hu hu…), I needed a better experience with lemon.

I have to say my brother is a huge lemon sorbet fan, he tries them everywhere he can, and his expectations are quite high. When he asked us to make one, pressure was therefore on us…

We followed the recipe from the book “Ices”, that is to say:

-10 lemons

– 750mL of sugar syrup

-250mL water

– 1 egg white

We put the zest of 10 lemon in the syrup, brought it to the boil, then added the juice, and left it to cool. It’s probably better to wait something like 12h, but we did not have time…

The peculiarity of this sorbet is that we opened the machine at mid-cranking to add the beated egg-white. This is supposed to give a better consistency. It’s actually not that hard, you just need another bucket: remove the canister from the machine and open it, then put the ice and water in a separate bucket (otherwise you won’t be able to replace the canister), the replace canister and ice in the machine, and resume cranking!

My brother was not disappointed, and ranked our sorbet among the best ones he had ever tried. It was very strong but not too acidic, and incredibly refreshing. A true success.


Now based in Paris, Thibault and Celine are consistently innovating with new flavours, particularly sorbets. They have a classic half-gallon White Mountain freezer that brings delight throughout France.

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3 Responses

  1. Peter Gerard says:

    Yum yum. Lemon sorbet is a delicious classic.

    But don’t give up on lemon ice cream. You just need super fresh dairy and it’s amazing.

    Nice to finally see your brother as well. I guess it’s hotter than Paris than in Edinburgh?

  2. Thibault says:

    No hotter, he just does not lose an occasion to show his tattoo and to brag about it…

  1. 2 July 2010

    […] I got to Fala, I set to work zesting and squeezing 23 lemons for a fabulously tart sorbet (that ended up more like a granita), but that’s not really what this story is […]

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