Chocolate and Coconut Ice Cream
Though our chocolate gelato recipe produces an incredible result, it’s an awful lot of work and takes a long time to prepare and chill before you can freeze it. I eventually decided that there is no reason why the Russell Recipe should not produce a quality chocolate ice cream.
I can’t remember the exact occasion or reason, but someone suggested coconut and chocolate and I decided to combine them. I’ve made coconut ice cream quite a few times, by simply adding a tin of coconut milk to the Russell Recipe. It works great.
So for the chocolate & coconut recipe I applied my experience from making the gelato to a normal ice cream. The recipe (for a half-gallon freezer):

Coconut & Chocolate Ice Cream
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 cup caster sugar (225g)
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 100 g dark chocolate (melted) (3.5oz)
- 1.5 cups double cream (355ml)
- 1 can coconut milk
- enough whole milk to top up the mix
As usual, beat the eggs with the sugar until thick. Before adding any other liquids, stir the cocoa powder into the eggs and sugar and mix until all the cocoa powder is moist.
When melting the chocolate, gently add a little milk at a time until you have a runny liquid. This will help the chocolate mix with the other ingredients without hardening again.
Stir the melted chocolate, cream and coconut milk into the sugar/cocoa/egg mix. Finally stir in enough milk to reach the appropriate quantity for the freezer. Then crank!
While the chocolate flavour is not as intense as our chocolate gelato, the chocolate and coconut combination is delicious and the texture is near-perfect. I’m sure you can leave out the coconut milk and make a great plain chocolate ice cream, but I now make choco-coco more often than chocolate gelato.
The Russell Recipe wins again, proving its unbeatable versatility!
Chocolate ice-cream without the coco grainy after-taste? I’m looking forward to sampling the delights!